يوافق ويقبل العميل على خصم مبلغ 2000 جنيه من مقدم الحجز فى حاله طلب العميل أسترداده بعد توفير السياره لسبب يرجع للعميل
لا يتم تفيعل الشراء من خارج المخزون الا بعد سداد العميل قيمه 50 % من قيمه السيارة وفى حاله إصدار خطاب المرور أو شراء السياره من خارج مخزون الشركة وطلب العميل الرجوع فى الاتفاق يخصم 10% من أجمالى ثمن السياره
لا يعتد بهذا الحجز الا فى حالة سداد كامل قيمة السيارة
الشركة غير مسئولة عن اى متغيرات فى المواصفات من قبل الوكيل أو الشركة المصنعه بعد التعاقد
يتم تسليم السيارة فى خلال 180 يوم بحد اقصى من تاريخ الايصال فى حاله الحجز والشراء بالسعر الرسمى المعلن من الوكيل
فى حالة رد المقدم يكون الرد فى خلال 48 ساعة عمل من تاريخ استلام طلب رد المقدم بنفس طريقة السداد
فى حالة تاخر العميل عن الاستلام خلال 24 ساعة يحق للشركة تعديل سعر الاكسسوار
General Terms
Accessories are added to the car's price on each separate invoice.
A traffic authorization letter for the car will be issued, and the invoice will not be issued until the full value of the car is paid.
In the event of completing the sale, the customer is obligated to pay an amount of 500 EGP as expenses for documents and data for the company.
The customer agrees and accepts a deduction of 2,000 EGP from the reservation deposit if the customer requests a refund after the car is made available for a reason attributable to the customer.
Purchases from outside the stock will only be confirmed after the customer pays 50% of the car's value. In the case of issuing a traffic authorization letter or purchasing the car from outside the company's stock and the customer requests to cancel the agreement, 10% of the total car price will be deducted.
This reservation is only valid if the full value of the car is paid.
The company is not responsible for any changes in specifications by the dealer or manufacturer after the contract.
The car will be delivered within a maximum of 180 days from the date of the receipt if the reservation and purchase are made at the official price announced by the dealer.
In the case of refunding the deposit, the refund will be processed within 48 working hours from the date of receipt of the refund request, using the same payment method.
If the customer delays taking delivery beyond 24 hours, the company reserves the right to adjust the price of accessories.